Monday, June 20, 2011

Cromo Garden

Drawings for the third international competition urban garden BILBAO 2011
The Clorofilas + Life&Architecture

Thursday, June 16, 2011


ROSAS & PATATAS is a business project for breeding of edible plants and technical advice for growing your own food in small spaces in the city, the mission of ROSES & POTATOES is to support and give people the tools they need to have an edible home garden without chemical additives which is comfortable and effective.

It’s a practical proposal with creative flair to project the personality and sensibility of the person who maintains it.

Graphic Work By Diego Cordova

Monday, June 6, 2011


El I Festival Minipop Tarragona nace con la voluntad de consolidarse como el primer festival de Cataluña de música pop, dirigido y pensado para que adultos, jóvenes y niños disfruten conjuntamente de una tarde de ocio cultural alternative, The Clorofilas fue invitada para un taller de jardineria para niños